Artist and writer William Morris once said, “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” I whispered these words to…
A lot of us are looking to make some positive changes in our life, but we have no idea where to begin. My suggestion is to do something different.
When you’re…
She’s the one with the messy unkempt hair colored by the sun. Her skin is now far from fair like it once was. Not even sun kissed. It’s burnt with…
During the summer my wife and I got to go on an amazing road trip in Norway with our good friends Samuel and Hildegunn Taipale. Norway is just amazing landscapes…
The Austrian capital has always been dignified, but there’s a thick layer of whipped cream around almost every corner. Its baroque architecture, art galleries and museums, rich musical heritage and…

Happiness is the universal feeling we all aspire to experience more of, yet, we can be an angry, moody, depressed bunch, can’t we? The science of happiness tells us that…
Artist and writer William Morris once said, “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” I whispered these words to…
Camping out under a starry sky, in the middle of a tropical lowland rainforest is a great way to enjoy the nature. It is a unique opportunity to experience the…